Confession: I struggle with comparison. On any given day, I can click on a social media feed and feel inferior. The opportunities are endless aren’t they? It doesn’t… Continue
The Older Brother
From the time we are children we are taught, good behavior leads to good things. Good things such as gold stars, certificates, trophies, even cash are sure to… Continue
Taking the last table available, I planted myself in a chair at my local Starbucks. After retrieving my nonfat (but sugar-laden let’s be honest) latte, I pulled out… Continue
Just say Jesus
There is a part of my heart that longs to write…I can only compare it to a craving for my beloved sweets. There are times where I feel… Continue
Good Friday?
I’ve often wondered why “Good Friday” is named as such. “Good” seems so inappropriate doesn’t it? How could we refer to the day our Savior was nailed to… Continue
Ex-boyfriends and God
I started this post with good intentions…I planned to write on Isaiah 52:2. But minutes ticked by as I stared blankly at my computer screen, at a loss… Continue
The Grace-Gift
Grace. Any Christ follower can tell you about grace. I grew up on a pew in my grandfather’s church and even as a little girl, could spout the… Continue
Into the Woods…with God
I grew up in the country, far away from “city life.” Inconvenient at times, yes. But it was a slower pace with less noise; fewer cars with more… Continue
I feel like there are buzz words roaming around churches these days…words like “authentic community”….”transparency”…”vulnerability”… I have 2 thoughts about this: It’s about time. And: I hope it sticks…. Continue
Grave clothes
New Year’s feels so long ago. I was thinking the other day how we are still in January, the first month of a brand new year. Maybe it’s… Continue