Dear reader, I realize my posts have changed as I’ve entered a new season of life…I just want to say thank you to those that continue to read… Continue
Three Weeks on Tinder
Goodness. I’m nervous to write this. But then again, when am I not nervous to let you peek into the workings of my mind and heart? On a… Continue
Panic Attacks
I need reminders of His sovereignty today. Maybe you do too? I woke up with my heart racing. I take deep breaths and ask Him to settle me… Continue
I’ve always been one to clench my fists. In fact, I usually sleep that way. For quite a while now, the Lord has been working to open the… Continue
Remember Monopoly? I loved to play that game as a kid…I would get as much “cash” as I could and then throw it up in the air so… Continue
I’ve never been married. Though I’d like to someday walk down an aisle in a beautiful dress, my time for that hasn’t yet come. But, I’ve been to… Continue
The Trap
The Lord gave me a picture of the trap recently set for me. It was small, barely even visible. Looked at closely however were jagged teeth made of… Continue
Me and Bridget Jones
I suppose the correct grammatical phrase would be “Bridget Jones and I.” However, wouldn’t you agree that it just doesn’t have the same ring? Miss Jones and I… Continue
The No and Not Yet
There will come a time in the life of every believer when a prayer will go unanswered. Maybe “times” and “prayers” plural, meaning more than one. We will… Continue
Confession: I struggle with comparison. On any given day, I can click on a social media feed and feel inferior. The opportunities are endless aren’t they? It doesn’t… Continue