Dear Mr. Feuerstein…

Usually at this time of day, I’m licking clean whatever remnants lay at the bottom of a Lean Cuisine.  Or, I’m grabbing one more piece of chocolate before I beckon one of my afternoon patients from the waiting room.  But this morning I woke feeling under the weather.  So I sit here robed in pj’s and buried underneath my great-grandmother’s quilt.

I don’t know that I’ve ever written two days in a row.  However, given this extra chunk of time and the circumstances with which I come to you today, why not?

Social media is exploding with Red Cup commentary.  And I confess, I had no idea what everyone was talking about.  In fact, if you look at my last Google search, you will see the words, “Red Cup Controversy.”  The first link was for CNN.  My eyebrows lifted in surprise as I clicked on the link for what was sure to be big news.

The article was well-worded.  Concise…written I’m sure by a Master’s level journalist.  And yet, I think my first reaction was, “Seriously?”  “This is what our nation is talking about right now?”  Of all the things going on in our world…

I’ve never heard of Joshua Feuerstein.  CNN called him a “former pastor, now social media personality.”  And that’s when it struck me.  Did Mr. Feuerstein really believe Starbucks hated Jesus because they supposedly “removed Christmas from their cups?”  Or was Mr. Feuerstein seeking his fifteen minutes of fame?

I get that Joshua…or can I call you Josh?  And since I don’t personally know you, I truly have no idea what the intention of your heart was.  But I’m willing to bet that you and I have something in common…  We want to be known.  Seen.  Told that we are important…that we matter.  Now, my issues stem from an abusive, addict, abandoning father.  But I don’t think one has to even have childhood trauma to want recognition.  I think it’s something we all want.  Every single one of us.  And sir, your name is everywhere today.

You (Josh) said that “Starbucks has gotten the message that the Christian majority in this country has awakened and are demanding that our voice be heard.”  My friend, Jesus never demanded to be heard.  He never sought a crowd.  Yet, scripture shows us time and time again that thousands would gather to sit under his teaching.

And I hope not to offend you by what I’m about to say…But do we really want to call this incident an “awakening?”  Let’s call it what it is, shall we?  Needless outrage.  I like how my pastor said it yesterday…”Outrage is all the rage.”

I would also personally ask that you not lump the rest of us Jesus followers in with your “demands to be heard.”  Jesus didn’t have a megaphone.  I don’t need one either.  I think how we treat others says way more about the condition of our hearts versus whether or not we utter the words “Merry Christmas” to our barista.  And friend…I am no one to talk.  Believe me.  The Holy Spirit has to put my heart in check every single day.  Heck…multiple times a day.

Finally-and I’m wrapping up my letter to you.  Because I’m sure you’re getting TONS of mail.  (I’m also aware that you probably won’t actually read this.)  But I’d just like to say…don’t we have other things we could be talking about?  How about the orphan crisis in our country?  Or the refugee situation overseas?  Or the millions of trafficked individuals?  If we’re going to get all riled up about something, could it be something that affects an actual human life?  As opposed to standing on a platform of hashtags and noise…

I’d like to conclude my letter with just reminding you that you are loved.  I have no doubt that you’re feeling judged, ridiculed, hated even.  Because despite the number of “followers” you have, there will always be someone on the other side of the fence.  And whatever your reasoning behind all of this, it doesn’t matter.  Not really.  Because God loves you.  He knows you.  He sees you.  And I pray He speaks to you in all of this.  That you hear HIS voice.  Not your own.  Not the media’s.  Not society’s.  Just His.  Because friend…His voice is the only one that matters.



2 Comments on “Dear Mr. Feuerstein…

November 9, 2015 at 8:31 pm

It has always bothered me that people get indignant and feel they have to protect God. Really? I’m SURE that’s not our job. The Word defends itself…God does the same. Nothing whatsoever that people say, feel, think, do…will EVER change the fact that He is still on the throne and that His divine plan is playing out in our world. As His people…we pray, we read, we stay closer to Him than ever before because prophecy is playing out right in front of our very eyes! Scary? A little…but more importantly, exciting because Jesus WILL come…maybe in our generation, maybe not. Either way, I’m going to see Him and for that, I’m eternally grateful!

November 9, 2015 at 8:36 pm

Yep! Truth.

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