The No and Not Yet

There will come a time in the life of every believer when a prayer will go unanswered.  Maybe “times” and “prayers” plural, meaning more than one.  We will ask and petition, perhaps even beg and bargain.  And God may say, “No.”  Or, “Not yet.”

I know what this feels like too, my friend.  And I’ll be honest and tell you there are several, multiple years long prayers that I continue to bring before my Father.  Just because He hasn’t said, “Yes” doesn’t mean I can’t stop asking.  Nor do I think He wants me to.  He’s a good Father and never gets annoyed with my requests…your requests.  He sits on a throne of grace and the invitation is always “Come.”

So I sit at the feet of my Father and ask Him for the deepest desires of my heart.  Healing.  Marriage.  Family.  I’ve asked for each of these things for as long as I can remember.  And for whatever reason, I find His answer in my waiting.

Oh the waiting.  The space between the prayer and the prayer fulfilled.  Or perhaps the space between the prayer and then ….nothing?  Or nothing it seems.

Because isn’t something always going on when it comes to our God?  Isn’t He intimately involved in every detail of our lives?  I believe He is.

“For the LORD is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place.  He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos.  “I am the LORD,” he says, “and there is no other.”  Isaiah 45:18 ESV

This scripture says “He put everything in place.”  Everything.  Including you and me. There is no “empty chaos” with Him.  He is God and is therefore in control of all things.  And He says Himself, “There is no other.”

Growing up, I was taught that God doesn’t withhold good things from His children.  In fact, Psalm 84:11 tells us He “does not hold back any blessing from those who live innocently.”  So then, how do we reconcile this?  Because wouldn’t it seem to our fragile human hearts that withholding is exactly what He’s doing?  What are we to believe then?

I think the enemy would have us believe all kinds of lies-like God is cruel or that He’s just trying to teach us a lesson.  Or that He’s punishing us.  False.  The Truth is, God knows what He is doing and He is far from cruel.  I think the actual blessing in all of our up-in-the-air prayers is simply His sovereignty.  He could, at any time say “Yes” to our request.  But He knows what is best for us and always, always has our best interest at heart.  And friend, it is impossible for us to wrap our heads around the great mystery of God and His will.  We aren’t meant to have all of the answers.  If we did, would we need God in the ways we do?  And what about the times we thought we had it all figured out and sought to make things happen for ourselves?  Yes, been there too.  Well, I believe with all my heart that we can’t mess up His will.  And we certainly can’t get in the way of His sovereignty.

All of this said though, does His “No” or “Not yet” sting sometimes?  Sure.  It can be downright painful and our souls may ache in the absence of what we so badly desire.  But let us remember in these moments, our God is for us and for our good.  Jesus is the great reminder of God’s goodness.  He is the anchor for our questioning hearts.  He is the solid, never shifting rock upon which we stand.

And no matter what, we have the promise of His presence.  May our souls find rest in the sufficiency of who He is.

2 Comments on “The No and Not Yet

May 22, 2015 at 1:05 pm

So good…so true…well said!

May 25, 2015 at 2:26 am

Thanks for your encouragement Mom!

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