There is a room in my house that is currently bordering on the likes of a Sanford & Son episode. I’ve actually taken to closing the door because… Continue
The Resting Place
I stood in line, waiting to fill my cup with Diet Dr. Pepper. Why Diet Coke isn’t an available option at all eating establishments is beyond me… So… Continue
Dear Mr. Feuerstein…
Usually at this time of day, I’m licking clean whatever remnants lay at the bottom of a Lean Cuisine. Or, I’m grabbing one more piece of chocolate before… Continue
The Never-Ending (Love) Story
It was early. The pale blues and grays of dawn wound their way through the blinds of my bedroom. Not quite dark and not quite light. I rolled… Continue
Playing Catch
I really dislike baseball. In fact, if you ever find me at a game, I am only there for the hot dogs and the fellowship with friends. I… Continue
Just Call Me Hagar
I can see her running. Garments catch the wind and dust billows around her sandal-ed feet. Hair wet with sweat and bitter tears wraps her face like a… Continue
Kissing Frogs
I sat on my aunt’s squishy couch, legs folded under one another. My elbows rested on my knees and I looked to the heavens for my answer to… Continue
Mad at God
He’s been quiet lately. Silent even. And distant. Though my head tells me my Lord is in fact very present, my heart feels as if He’s far away…. Continue
The Garden Prayer
You know how you think you’re over something…or someone…and then it turns out you’re not? It’s kind of a bummer, let me tell you. It’s actually a big,… Continue
Table for One
I used to really hate eating alone. And I don’t use the word “hate” loosely. Years ago, if I had a choice between dental work and sitting in… Continue