
I don’t rest well. But I’m really good at striving. I’m friends with striving. I’m acquainted with rest…but I rarely take the time to invest in it. Even when I’m sick or not feeling well, and the forced rest appears, I still find myself feeling guilty and feeling like I need to be productive.

Psalm 46:10 NIV

“Be still and know that I am God.”

It’s a pretty well known verse. And we see it on coffee mugs and wall hangings. It’s a sweet verse and a great reminder for us all. But look at this other translation-

Psalm 46:10 NASB

“Cease striving and know that I am God.”

There it is. “Cease striving.” This has been the message the Lord has gently, over and over again been repeating to me. In the voice of my Pastor, in devotionals (different ones), it’s been the same message over and over. This is how the Lord usually gets my attention-repetition. Maybe I’m a little slow to catch it the first time. Or maybe I’m too busy…

In Hebrew, “cease striving” means to “let your hands drop.” Or “to let go.” Or “to relax.” (Omar Garcia for All things I’m not great at.

Because it’s easier to hold tighter, to fight and struggle than it is to loosen our grip. Is it not? Why? Our grip gives us a feeling of control. (I’m pretty good friends with control too). And I think it’s human nature to want to grab on for dear life and it’s human nature to want to know what’s next, or how/when our prayers will be answered. Maybe we even want to help God out when we think He isn’t moving fast enough…

Proverbs 3:5 NIV
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding” (italics mine)

To understand also means, “to see.” (Webster’s Thesaurus) Of course we want to depend on what we see with our human eyes. But that isn’t what the Lord has called us to is it? He’s called us to a life of faith and trust.

In trust, there is rest. In faith, there is freedom. We can “let our hands drop” because God has it. All of it. And because this is all easier said than done, God gives us grace-and His grace is enough. He is the one in complete control, so we don’t have to be. And His timing is always perfect, even when it doesn’t line up with our timeline.

I believe that God is for our rest. Who was it that said, “Strive without ceasing?” Well, I have a grateful heart that my Savior doesn’t require my striving.